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Android getting popular

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Smartphone software sales figures began to show swelling in the global market. In the second quarter of 2011, recorded an increase that is not playing games, namely 73% from year to year by scoring 107.7 million units spread all over the world. However, rates of increase in sales is not the same on all platforms smartphones. Sales of Nokia's Symbian and RIM Blackberry down since the last few months, while Android and IOS market share in each quarter.

According to research firm Canalys, Android is the platform number one in more than 35 of the 56 countries are ahead in the smartphone market. Approximately 52 million Android device in the second quarter 2011 increased 379% over second quarter 2010.Of the increase is, in South Korea, which became the basis of Samsung as the largest manufacturer of Android devices, Android has a market share of 85%, while in Taiwan, where Apple iPhone is produced, 71%. Meanwhile, in the U.S. market, Android has a market share of 39%, while the IOS 28%. 

A total of 20.3 million iPhones, which successfully marketed in the last quarter of last year, making the IOS into the second most popular smartphone platform worldwide. IOS now has a market share of 19%. Samsung close behind Apple with nearly 17 million units sold. That is, Samsung is able to grow almost 421% from year to year. While Nokia still leads in developing countries, like China and India, and probably will soon be defeated by Android. Although hampered by multiple lawsuits, Android continues to move forward.

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